the getaway
me & my
my day's mission yesterday was to meet up with annika, who put the coyoto ugly ad in the paper. the meeting spot was way over the other side of town, so i dragged an unwilling jerry along with me....
afterwards, he was so glad that he was there to witness such a spectacle! (and to forbid me to accept the job). i've never met such creepy eccentrics!!!
annika, a 60 year old has-been party-queen, with henna-red hair, a botox face and the look of a brothel madam, was waiting at the pub, accompanied by her wierd, weasel-ish 20 year old son. they both sat there chain smoking and chugging down pints of beer, at 4 o'clock on a thursday afternoon. i recognised her type; taste for the booze, loves to talk your head off with her crazy ideas and to brag about her accomplishments when its obvious she's just a washed up desperado.
her son sat there muttering to himself as she rattled on, switching from topic to topic, contradicting herself and then nagging her son to fetch her another packet of cigarettes. the coyote show seemed like a big pipe dream and totally unorganized. all she had was 2 hungarian girls, a wannabe dance choreographer and an irish pub willing to host the show. of course she thought she could 'squeeze me in'....
she then switched topics to her photography studio and offered to 'help me' with a modeling folio and then i knew for sure she was a scammer. when she started to bitch out her own mother who'd moved to spain to live with her, jerry had had enough. he excused us and we made the great escape.
as we walked towards the bus stop, we looked at each other and began laughing in shock, but soon fell into a disturbed silence, as if we'd been somehow traumatised. we couldn't shake the feeling for several hours!
what a horrible glimpse into someone else's life. i was so disturbed i couldn't even write a blog!
today we had a more cheery day with milkshakes down by the port with jerry's friend My.
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