❀ this weekend was so freezing cold that we spent it inside, eating chocolate and watching documentaries.
i have one of those characters that's easily swayed and influenced; every time i see a documentary about someone doing something really honourable and meaningful and heroic, i get all fired up and inspired towards some new noble and charitable project of my own. it lasts about ten minutes and then slowly settles onto the back-burner, tucked away with all the other ideas on the list of 'things to do when i'm rich'.
'Born into Brothels', about a woman who teaches photography to the kids of prostitutes in the slums of india, was really inspiring, but the doco that shook me up the most was 'The Age of Stupid', (which everyone should see), about climate change and how serious a problem it actually is. i always thought i was quite environmentally conscious, but it turns out it's not enough just recycling, voting green and saying no to plastic bags. really soon we're all going to die, if we don't reduce our carbon emissions. i looked up the website notstupid.org and aussies are among the worst, especially since john wanker howard refused to sign that kyoto protocol that the rest of the world (excluding usa of course) signed, promising to cut down emissions.
and what really shocked me is that i'm personally one of the worst culprits, since flying is at the absolute top of the list of no-no's. just in the last five years i've caught 34 international flights. apparently that's the carbon emission equivalent to 900 tanzanian people's! and if we lived sustainably, its 80 people's yearly carbon quota.... i feel so guilty! how many thousands of trees would i have to plant to make up for that? and do i have to stop traveling?!!... i ask jerry what he thinks about a solar power company for a business plan. he's not as inspired. when we're rich, when we're rich...
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