❆ a group of young guys sitting in my station at work last night, asked me what a girl like me from beautiful, sunny australia is doing in a place like åre...
of course i didn't tell them i'm here for love. the tips are always better if customers think you're single. i told them instead that i like to travel, which is not a lie.
'do you ski?' they asked me... 'no, i don't like it much'.
'then why the hell aren't you back enjoying the summer in the land of sunshine, beaches, drugs and free love....' .... is that really what australia is known for? how horrible!
i know australia is much more drug liberal than sweden, and its sad actually, to see a club full of 20 year olds, all off their heads on e's every weekend. god knows what's gonna happen to our generation in 20 years time when mass dementia kicks in... it's actually refreshing to go out in stockholm and be surrounded by happy people sipping rosé wine instead of pin-heads grinding their jaws and sucking on water bottles. its a much fresher party scene...
as for the free love, i was under the impression sweden was the country that had a reputation for sexual promiscuity and easy women, (apparently ever since they were the first to legalise birth control and abortion in the 1930s)...
anyways, as i picked up the cheque from the guys at the end of the night, one of them slipped a folded-up note into my hand. with huge grins on all their faces, they said goodbye and i unfolded the note so see they'd drawn a diagram of their table, with numbers representing the seats each of them were sitting in and all four phone numbers. at the bottom was written 'pick one! its a swedish tradition!'
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