❖ back in civilisation!!!!
we were so happy to arrive in stockholm at our good friend rasmus's house, load in all our luggage and take over his lounge room once again. jerry and i laughed at what gypsy nomads we are, living out of suitcases, moving from place to place every season... i was feeling bad about our stuff totally filling up rasmus's living area, but he assured us that he wouldn't have it any other way. he also thought it was quite impressive that we have our whole lives packed into a few suitcases. i don't know if that's impressive or the opposite, but it's true!
jerry and i were in such good moods today, walking through downtown stockholm, enjoying the feeling of being in the real world again! we filled the day with errands in the city and i managed to squeeze in a bit of 'holiday attire' shopping and then we met our friends måsen, karin and matthias for a good catch up over coffees which turned into beers...and then dinner at the fabulous kungsholmen...
tomorrow we fly to thailand!!! yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!
suitcases of memories...time after time xxx