'... fish, chips, cup o' tea, bad food, worse weather, mary fucking poppins, you know... london!?' (snatch)
jerry came back from his two weeks in sweden and sank into a miserable grumpiness, deciding he hates london. coming from utopian sweden, he sees it as a big downgrade.
worlds is so fed up with the crappy salary that he's decided to go home.. i'd actually been enjoying myself here so it was a bit of a downer jerry being so bitter about the place, but i reminded him that we're stuck here now anyway, with a lease agreement signed, course fees paid and nowhere else to go! so we have to make the most of it...he's agreed to give it a chance. i wish i could make him love london like i do......
why do i love it so much, he wonders? well firstly, they speak my language here, and that's a huge bonus after living so many years in countries where i'm the foreigner in the bubble; secondly, even if our wages are low, it still feels like the land of opportunities, waiting for us to discover; thirdly, theres so much action, so much going on around you here that you feel like youre in the centre of the world.... i dont really know what it is to be honest...just the vibe.
i decided to apply for some jobs as a nanny. apparently there's more money in it than working in restaurants.. and i make a good mary poppins. kids always love me for some reason... so i signed up with an agency and posted an ad on gumtree and my first interview is today, with a family who live right around the corner from my house!
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