❀ just like last year, i managed to stretch my birthday into a long birth week celebration..
thirty deserves at least a week to process doesnt it....?
at midnight of the 15th i began fishing for birthday wishes at work, determined to milk every last minute of birthday attention possible. i told all my VIP guests, of course, who were offering me dom perignon along with their congratulations.
one of the promo girls asked me how old i was and when i told her she choked 'oh god!! ...at least you're engaged!'.... i pondered her meaning for a little while. is that really all ive got? safety from the dreaded bridgett jones spinster status....? i guess i possibly would be freaking out even more if i were single and thirty.
i hadnt planned on having a party, but at the last minute jerry and my colleagues from the club talked me into drinks at gem bar in soho, which of course turned into a few more and a few more... apparently when jerry finally dragged me into a taxi i insisted on sitting on the floor of the vehicle instead of in the seat and refused to let jerry stop for mcdonalds. then at home the only thing we had to eat was muesli and jerry found me bawling my eyes out, milk and muesli running down my face, sobbing that i'd wished we'd stopped at mcdonalds...
on wednesday jerry and i enjoyed my complimentary birthday dinner for two at babylon (a virgin perk) along with wine and scrumptious cocktails...
then tonight, as part of my birthday present, jerry took me out for a delicious italian meal in covent garden and then to see Priscilla at the palace theatre in the west end! it was wonderful wonderful wonderful!!!...the costumes, the sets, the choreography, the singers....!! for the finale when all the dancers came out dressed as australian flowers and animals i got a huge lump in my throat and my eyes welled up with tears. i realised that australia will always be wrapped around my heart, ready to pull the strings at any time to make me miss it.
thank you to everyone who made my birthday such a happy one. i wish you all happiness in return! most especially to my darling jerry who gave me his first card, (a picture of a man with a big rooster with 'this man has a big cock' written underneath), and who i love so much for spoiling me rotten, never saying no to me, letting me do whatever i want and loving me for exactly who i am.
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