✽ i arrived yesterday morning at miss a's house, feeling a bit funny in the stomach. i tried to toughen up like a good princess, and since it was sunny outside (for once) i dressed miss a up (i love putting together cute outfits from her wardrobe) and took her down kings road for ice-cream. she's so adorable that strangers are constantly complimenting me on her and i have to say that i don't always admit to them that i'm just her nanny.
when we arrived home i had to rush to the bathroom because something evil and sinister, vile, diabolically foul was brewing inside me and had to spontaneously explode its way out, by any means necessary. i've never vomited through my nose before. it was quite an experience...
in my intervals between bathroom runs, i lay curled up on the couch, groaning in pain, my stomach a tight fist, with miss a running around me chirping 'anna, come chase me! anna come dance with me! '... she followed me into the toilet 'anna's doing wee-wees again'.... 'no sweetie, this isn't wee-wees, i don't think you wanna see this''...
whilst staggering back to the couch, the vague stench of sour vomit hovering around me, my eyes two black holes in my yellow face, my phone began to ring. it was tina from playboy. 'congratulations on becoming a playboy bunny! you made it through the final casting!!'
with all my will i mustered up the strength to sound excited and happy... (of course today i was!!!)
miss a's mum came home early, sent me in a cab straight home to bed, where jerry took care of me, fed me yoghurt, patted my head and told me i'd be much better in the morning... which i was.
Congratulations on becoming an official bunny- can't wait to hear all the details- so glad you're well again. x Nun