Wednesday, February 15, 2012

seven deadly sins

✽ in the mornings, the sun shines through the palms that overhang our balcony and cast jungle shadows on our white walls. we leave the blinds open because its so nice to wake up to... i make sure to practice the secret, taking mental notes of such things to be grateful for. apparently this gratefulness will attract more things to be grateful for... such as... perhaps...a job.

by lunch time the washing is done and i'm back lying on my bed, still in pijamas, eating cadbury's favourites (not even mine- but jerry's valentines present from me!) ..and feeling very unemployed.

how can it be this hard to start a new career...?! ..and why have i waited so long to start one?! no, i don't regret any of my travels and adventures, but now i'm really head-butting the wall. i feel exactly like that lazy grasshopper from that story.

my cousin assures me that its normal i'm feeling crappy- changing careers is one of the 5 top causes of stress, along with divorce and marriage... and whatever else.
i wonder: maybe i'm not made for the serious job world... and all these people copping my CV in their inboxes can see that too...

i eat some more chocolates, then head to the bathroom to pick a few pimples, where i catch my reflection. what a gluttonous sloth i am! in fact today in particular i suspect my soul to be infested with all seven of the deadly sins. i quickly google them just to confirm. yep. sloth, greed, gluttony, wrath, envy, lust and pride. well, actually maybe not lust or pride.. but definitely the others.

it starts raining outside (ahh melbourne) and my phone dings with a sweet message from jerry who's at work. i admire him so much! he's totally landed on his feet in australia while i'm the one lost in my own country!

its time to stop being so useless. tomorrow morning i have another interview and then my friend sarah is coming to stay. we're going to go out for lunch and try on camilla kaftans, pretending to be able to afford them. it's going to be a beautiful day and i'm not going to feel unemployed or sorry for myself. and no more cadbury's favourites.



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