♡ with all the lovely well-wishing about the engagement, i just feel absolutely warmed to my heart... and i need all the warming i can get here in cold åre, with the snow falling outside and me already homesick again for warm sunny australia....
my brothers gave me the sweetest engagement blessing: the new iphone application 'dreamwalk' that they invented and launched on monday, has really hit it off in the US with 1200 users already! on the treasure map in åre, they posted a prize just for us! we went in and found the prize and it was a ' free blessing' (worth 17.95 kroners!) with a lovely picture of us! i was so happy at the sweet thought of it that i nearly cried.
one more share in the 'dreamwalk' company has just become available so jerry and i have snatched it up straight away. i'm so sure this application is gonna be a huge success... it's already had great reviews. and i've said it before but i'll say it again: we will create a Russell dynasty! ;o)
jerry's still hassling me about changing my name to forsberg when we get married, even though i told him from the very beginning that i would always keep my own name. it's not a feminist statement, it's just who i am. but since it seems to be so important to him, i compromised and said i would consider a hyphenation.
and i'm finally going to start swedish classes. i always meant to but was just lazy... so now i'm finally gonna do it. i'm in the process of tracking down the teacher of the class in the town next to åre, and hopefully i can start asap. i'm doing it for love, but also for some mental stimulation! i think it'll be fun!
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