✽ as we arrived back in åre, cavalli was moving out, having finished his season contract. the good thing about that was that we scored his old bed, which is a real bed and much better than the two single mattresses on the floor that weve been sleeping in the whole season, and which i always wake up squeezed in the gap between.
also some good friends of ours from stockholm arrived for a few days visit. they all came out partying at nova (where i was working behind the bar) with jerry and for once, i was the sober one, watching in amusement their drunken shenanigans. karin had gone home smashed already, last seen with a big jaigermeister stain down the front of her shirt, måsen got wasted even though everyone was shouting him alcohol free drinks in secret. then on his way out he gave jerry a huge tongue kiss. sandra was jumping around on a buzz with her new kids ski clothes purchased at an absolute bargain. jerry flashed the crowd for no reason then buttoned up and tucked in his shirt and pretended to be a nerd. then he started annoying me so much behind the bar that i threatened to kick him out. jesper demanded immediate service even if there were heaps of other people waiting for drinks before him, and daffy got angry, thinking everyone expected free drinks at his bar and then bought a bottle of expensive champagne for them all anyway..
i was so bored when they all left!
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