❉ we regularly receive mail for the guy who lived in our apartment before us, who has a completely unpronounceable greek name. a pile of letters has built up over the months, which i will give him if he ever drops by. but last week one of his letters drew my attention. the expensive pinstripe envelope promised magical contents. it was just begging to be opened.... i discovered inside a very classy invitation to a 'vogue fashion night' at the designer shoe shop 'salvatore feragamo'.
me and salvatore go way back to when i bought a pair of his $450 sunglasses, wore them into the sea in byron bay and had them smashed off my face and dragged away by the waves.... i felt we somehow had a score to settle.
i RSVPed to the number on the invitation, and asked my cousin kayla, who's just arrived in london, if she would care for some free cocktails and canapes..
we arrived in old bond street, the place to be during fashion week apparently... all the designer shops had red carpet, queues to get in and paparazzi snapping away at all the celebrities getting out of expensive cars.. thandie newton walked right past me into the armani party.
we were greeted at salvatore feragamo with champagne, but after having 3 glasses, and trying on a couple of pairs of shoes, we realised this was one of the tamer parties in the street. the big event of the evening was the prize draw for a pair of shoes which i was sure i was going to win and then didn't...
by chance we started talking to two girls,
emily &
gina, who were from 'fashion TV'. emily admired my outfit, asking who my jacket was by, my shoes, my watch... and was surprised when i told her i didn't work in fashion. i felt pink with delight at receiving compliments from a fashionista.. her and gina were super lovely. emily promised to link her blog to mine and invited us to fashion TV's big event on friday night, and gina who's also a film producer, told me she'd get me into an assistant job on set if i wanted... i was totally high with excitement! the girls asked us if we wanted to ditch salvatore for a better party.. hell yeah!
DKNY down the street was much more pumping and we jumped the line straight in, being from fashion TV... ;o)
inside was a rocking party; funky live band, luscious lychee cocktails and models models models. i ran into hugo, the haughty PR guy from my old job at the pub who was always slightly flirtatious in an arrogant condescending way. i went up to say hi and his response was 'wow, you look so... different.' ..what, from the pub uniform of mens baggy polo shirt and jeans which made us all look like rugby-playing bull-dikes...? i would hope so!
the girls mingled and networked while kayla and i partied. holly, a friend from oz who we'd also invited, arrived and we had a fun catch up.
although i felt like a bit of a fraud, partying in that place full of VIP fashionistas, i had an absolute ball and later stumbled merrily back to the tube, so glad that i'd 'happened upon' that vogue fashion night invitation... ;o)