✥ despite having a smashed up knee and a pirate's limp, i was determined to make it to work for my cocktail waitressing shift, mainly for the money but also because i'd been looking forward to wearing my new skeleton top. i hid the bandaged knee under knee high boots, arrived at work full of beans and feeling like a pretty tough cookie. jerry was extremely proud of me for not sooking about my accident. he has a very 'get-over-it' sort of attitude when it comes to injuries and illnesses.... i was glad i went in the end because i had a really fun night.
yesterday we went back to our friend abas's turkish restaurant 'gallipoli' for dinner along with my cousins and family friends from back home. the food there is just too good to keep secret. we gave abas free reign to pack our table with as many dishes as possible and everyone loved it. abas of course got out his 6-pack, as he always does. the first day i worked with him behind the bar, he unbuttoned his shirt to show me (not by request) and made me feel his biceps again and again. he's one of those obsessive gym junkies who's got not a single ounce of fat on his body and loves nothing more than showing it off, even at the restaurant where he works, in front of other customers! he's probably one of the most hilarious guys i've ever met. at our staff party he wore a scottish kilt, even though he's turkish, and when he speaks to you, he tells you he loves you in one sentence and then in the next sentence he'll tell you to fuck off, along with some insult to do with your nationality. he's probably my favourite person at work, although i love them all...
today i rested all day at home, trying to give the knee some healing time. although the pirate limp's been fun, i'd prefer to go back to my old walk..
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