❊ riding my bike to belly dance class this morning, i somehow lost control of the thing and smashed directly into a parked car, 50 metres from my house. my knee was a bleeding mess, my bike's basket shattered into a million cane pieces and was scattered over the road, along with the car's rear light.
a group of darling old ladies who happened to be walking past came over to comfort me and as soon as jerry arrived they insisted he take me directly to hospital.
at the london university hospital emergency ward, the nurse informed me that i'd need stitches and that by a stroke of luck, there was a plastic surgeon helping out in the hospital today, who could stitch it up for me. 'great, maybe he can fix a few other things while he's at it!'...
rishie was a fabulous surgeon and a lovely guy. although he refused to throw in some botox , he did a great job of the seven stitches and i left feeling as good as new! i will have a limp for a while, and a whopping scar but hey, it could've been worse..
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