❄ i woke jerry up at 10 oclock on friday morning telling him to get ready because i had a surprise for him. 'ahh, why are you waking me up so early?! i have to work tonight!' ...'no you dont baby. we're going to the airport....'
over the last few weeks i'd organised a surprise birthday party for him in stockholm with all his friends and family. id booked flights, a room in a swishy hotel in the centre of town and sent out facebook invitations telling everyone to be at the restaurant 'undici', waiting for us to arrive on friday night....
i'd been so careful at keeping the whole thing a secret and shit it was hard!
on friday morning i'd packed his bags while he slept and laid out a warm outfit for him in preparation for the swedish winter. on the way to the airport i told him that my birthday present to him was a trip to stockholm for the weekend. he was totally ecstatic! i lead him to believe we were staying with friends as we usually do when we visit stockholm, and that him and i were having a romantic dinner at a restaurant where two of his best friends work, where they'd be looking after us.
he was one big smile the whole journey. he misses his friends so much and never gets to go back home because of school and work, so i was happy to hear that it was the best present he's ever received. it was so nice surprising him for the second time with the luxurious room at the lovely 'hotel stureplan'. we quickly got ready and walked around the corner to the restaurant. as we walked in the front door, 25 people were blowing party poppers and screaming 'surprise!!'.
it was a fantastic night! so nice to see all our old friends who i haven't seen since we left sweden. and lovely to see jerry's family who we don't get to see enough of...everybody was so happy and drunk and excited to see us...the night for me is a blur of dancing, doing rounds of shots, hugging and kissing everyone, telling them how much i loved them and missed them. jerry's stepdad (who spent the night spinning all the girls around on the dance floor) was the first to get kicked out of the club later for being too drunk, jerry's brother was the second and i was the third. to be fair, they're SO strict about that stuff in sweden! ...and i lasted until 4.30am anyway so it was a pretty good effort....
the main thing was that jerry had an absolute ball, was touched to his heart by the ones he loves and had a birthday that he'll never forget...
he told me he didnt know how he could possibly compete with that for my 30th birthday coming up in january... i told him its not a competition and that i got as much pleasure out of his present as he did...which is true.