♖ excited about my interview for the 'runner' position on the film set, I decided to wear something other than my standard uniform of black jeans, boots and leather jacket and instead put some effort into my outfit so as to look like someone creative and cool. i put on my white russian gypsy dress over pattern-ribbed tights, my turban beanie and topped it off with riding gloves and aviators. then i realised that it was freezing cold outside (despite it looking sunny from the window) so threw on the good old boots and leather jacket anyway...
on the way to the tube station the most embarrassing thing happened to me. i stopped at starbucks to use their toilet and apparently didn't lock the door properly because half way through my piss, a woman hauled the door wide open so that the whole cafe could see me with my gypsy dress lifted up, doing my germaphobe squat above the toilet seat! all i could say was a slow motion 'oh...my...god!' ...the woman was more embarrassed than me which made me feel better..
i was meeting the girl at London College of Communication near elephant and castle tube station. what a quirky name for a london suburb! before moving to london i saw it on a map and instantly said to jerry 'oh we have to live in 'elephant and castle'!'.. i was then told it was one of the dodgiest and dangerous places in london, so never set foot there until today. i got out of the tube, clutching my bag tightly, curious as to what inspired the city planners to give it such an offbeat name. outside the tube station, past the crumby hot food stands, sat a weathered old hotel with a small coloured statue of a circus elephant with a miniature castle on its back.... that's it!?! ...can't be...how lame.
the interview went really well and i got the job on the spot. the film sounds very wacky and interesting, as do the characters making it.. my job will be as assistant to the production designer, who's in charge of set design, costumes, props, etc...! i can't wait! it's gonna be one week of shooting, with very early starts, and no money... but a great experience and a big star on the CV..
Check this out.
Very interesting. Cheers, Dad.