✥ last night was our staff 'murder mystery' party, hosted at the royal garden hotel. it was a 1930's theme and i'd already volunteered myself and jerry (against his will) to take part in the show as characters.
when i first met jerry he hated (and refused) to dress up in costumes but i think because of my good influence, he secretly now enjoys it. he even instigated a day of shopping at H&M for a hat, bow tie and sleeve garters for his costume...
he looked so handsome all dressed up! he must have fancied himself in that garb as well because on the tube on the way to the party he announced that he might start wearing this sort of thing on normal occasions!..
we studied our lines along the way... i was molly hatchet, an american gangster mole and jerry was albert fortescue, a spaniard, raised in the finest english schools to become a gentleman... we were both really nervous about it and decided to do a couple of stiff shots at the pub across the road before hitting the royal garden.
it was so much fun to see all our colleagues dressed up and in a social atmosphere! the dinner was a proper 3 course deal in the grand function room and the actors who hosted the show were brilliant! i was one of the last characters to do my performance and by that stage i'd had a few champagnes and was feeling loose enough to put on a texan drawl. i'd lost my voice but the huskiness sounded good into the microphone and ended being quite fitting to my character... the judges obviously liked it anyway because at the end of the night i was given the oscar and the best actors award! jerry ended up being the murderer, which he didnt even know himself...
after the dinner show we all got drunk at the bar and my memory gets a bit shotty after that. i do remember covering everybody in red lipstick kisses and collaborating with the gardener on a new idea for the roof garden: a venus-like shrub-carved statue (for which i would be the muse of course ;o) surrounded by fountains and flowering creepers...
jerry and i were both so monstrously hungover today that jerry had to wag school and we stayed in bed all day eating home delivery pizzas and watching movies...
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