❅ christmas never feels quite like christmas unless i'm home with my family, though we had a lovely double christmas here in london.... we celebrated christmas eve at our friends angela & nelson's bed and breakfast, where angela and her mum had been to a huge effort cooking all day for the feast! some other friends including sophie from work and her boyfriend came too and we spent the evening eating, drinking, playing trivial pursuit and being jolly.
jerry got shit-faced drunk and entertained us all with his vulgar humour and idiotic jokes, sophie cheated her way through the board game while we laughed our arses off at nelson, who was dressed up like a 1950's immigrant and made sure everyone knew he was 'pure blood portuguese' while everyone else at the table was a mix of this and that.... one of the trivia questions was 'where's the coccyx?' and nelson answered 'on the hip bone, at the end of the arse!' which was a funny answer already, but made even funnier because jerry thought the question was 'where's the cock sit?' and was astonished that nelson had been given the green chip for his answer! we were all in pain from laughing so hard on stomachs full of christmas food and liquor.
because of our hangovers, we were late for christmas lunch the next day at my cousin dale's house, but in time for desserts, drinking games and secret santa...:o) my uncle, aunty and cousins were there as well as all their housemates and friends and for most of the day jerry was the only non-australian there. we stayed all day and night, eating, drinking and playing games and it was lovely!
i remember as a kid i would lay out all my new christmas presents on my bed, and leave them there for several days, just to admire them all. i decided to do the same this year with the lovely pressies i received: a faux-fur jacket from mum & dad, a sequined dress that jerry chose himself, some lacey pijamas from my cousin hannah, a perfumed candle from the family of miss A, rose room perfume and hand cream from sophie, an eyeshadow kit from angela and a fruity bath set from secret santa....
merry christmas to everyone! i hope you all ate too much, drank too much, laughed too much and received lots of lovely presents...
A good Christmas eve always means a great Cgristmas. Pleased you had so much fun. All the best for 2011.