❆ winter wonderland in hyde park sounds so lovely. jerry and i keep planning to go, but its so icy cold outside that we just cant bring ourselves to leave the house unless we absolutely have to.
with this miserable weather and nothing fun going on in our lives right now, we had begun feeling glum and boring.
what i really need, apart from some sunshine (which is unlikely), is a new project... something to aim towards and look forward to...
i sat on the sofa today at my nanny job, put postman pat on TV for miss A, and opened a fashion magazine to the horoscope section.... 'this month's motto for capricorn: one small cloud can't conceal a sky full of stars'.... that small sentence was like a slap in the face. here i am letting london weather get me down when i should be putting my energy into counting my blessings... at the mention of stars, i havent seen any in months! that's so sad! either i'm not looking up or there's too much smog in london skies for stars to shine through. either is quite possible.
as miss A and i arrived at peggy porschen's parlour for our regular soy latte/babyccino, my phone rang. it was the phone-call i'd been hoping for, praying for, meditating on, dreaming about.... yes.....
the house of grazia!!!!! they were informing me that i'd made the casting, that the producers loved my interview, and that i was invited to stage 2: the psychological examination and police check.
i was so happy i wished i'd had a bottle of champagne to pop. instead i ordered a lemon chiffon cupcake and scoffed it with glee.
i'd done the interview at the house of grazia headquarters 12 days earlier and felt like it had gone well. it was a long interview and the whole thing was filmed, which i was fine with, but they put me on the spot with some very personal questions. they really grilled me on past relationship infidelities and messy breakups. i'd tried to brush off the first question with 'we broke up because he was untrustworthy', but the interviewer wouldn't stop 'til she'd squeezed out the juicy details; that he'd cheated (though i excluded the story of the twenty taiwanese girls), that he'd been a compulsive liar and a drug addict. the real story could fill a short novel, or more like a whole season of some trashy soap opera like 'days of our lives'... i didn't think house of grazia were quite ready for it...
i was honest and open with the rest of the questions they asked me and left with the impression that they'd liked me...
im still not exaclty sure on all the details. all i know is ill be spending five days, with four other women, in a retreat in the country called 'the house of grazia' where a team of people will help me get my career on track and film the whole thing to make into a reality TV show.
...just the type of project i need!
WOOHOO!!!!!!! Thats my girl! Always find the positive in life- I so admire your attitude. Its pretty cool that you were chosen for the House of Grazia series too- in fact its downright fantastic!!!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. XXXXX Nun
ReplyDeletesounds great Anna. Hope it all falls into place...NOW is the time if your name is Russell!!!.something in the air really. Really hot and very wet over here