❆ hooray hooray for angelica the cleaning lady!
i love our little share-house and its characters within. we all get up each day and spend the morning taking the piss out of each other over breakfast. everybody shouts melodious greetings at cavalli in italian even though no-one else speaks it, including cavalli; we shotgun fight over who has to make the coffee, jesper takes the piss out of jerry's swenglish, then my ocker slang, everyone tries to force me to eat caviar paste, we all have a laugh at the fact that cavalli starts work so early that all he ever does is sleep and work, jesper then somehow antagonizes jerry so much that he drops his bathrobe and ends up karate fighting naked in the kitchen, all the while daffy sits back with a bemused look, as if this is all normal morning behaviour in his apartment.
i must have become less anal and definitely less tidy since my old share-housing days. none of us clean anymore and the apartment has gotten into such a state of unsanitary foulness that jerry begged our lovely colleague angelica to come and clean our house once a week. five hours of scrubbing and now its sparkling!
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