❆ this week has been really quiet in åre and we were worried about having an empty bar for our second coyote ugly show last night. the girls and i had choreographed our own bar-top dance routine to 'i love rock and roll' which wouldn't have been the same without a good audience, and i was getting very nervous.
we finished serving all the dinners to the dining guests and as i was politely suggesting deserts and coffees to one table of english guys, they took me off guard by asking me if i was dancing tonight. before i could answer, they said 'you better be, because that's the only reason we came'.... aaah!!
as the diners left the restaurant, hoards of young people began streaming in to fill the bar. we got into our costumes and i peeked down at the end of the bar. sitting at the bar corner, directly where my dancing position was, were my two housemates, jesper and cavalli. i quickly grabbed the girls for a last minute position swap. there was no way i was going to grind and slide in those short-shorts over their faces!
the crowd was a little rougher than last week. pia had a coin thrown so hard at her head that it was bleeding. one respectable local hotel manager was groping so many girls arses in the audience that the security guard asked him to leave. he was so drunk that he lay down on the floor of the bar and said 'make me!', so he was dragged out through the crowd by his legs! girls and guys in the audience jumped up on tables to dance along with us and we got so into the dances that we were dripping with sweat! i wished we could've used the post-mix guns to squirt the crowd and ourselves but we weren't allowed to.
the girls went home today but they might be back later on in the season. anyway it was fun while it lasted..
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