today was my 29th birthday! ...only one year left of my twenties!!
when i finally jumped on facebook tonight after work, i was greeted with 56 happy birthday messages! with a huge smile on my face and a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart, i read through and appreciated every single one of them!
i had a lovely birthday! jerry sang a morning happy birthday to me with a candle and a chocolate and coconut sweet, up until very recently called a 'nigger ball' in swedish. he'd already given me a new camera as an early birthday present last week, which i love ♡
we had a romantic brunch at a nice cafe in town and i told jerry the story of my birth, 29 long years ago, which my mum used to tell me and which ill also share with you readers....
i was born on a warm mid-summers afternoon in a cottage on the top of a hill on the north coast of tasmania. my parents had their friends around to watch the home-birth and since my mum had been told by a sooth-sayer that she was having another boy, she was overjoyed to instead have me... my placenta was saved and planted with a small peach-tree seedling which is now a big, fruit-bearing tree in my nanna's front yard. my cousins used to refuse to eat the peaches off it out of disgust.
i had no hair until i was three years old, and a slightly asian look to my face so that i resembled 'tripitaka' from the classic tv show 'monkey magic' and from when i was a small baby i always held my head high, with an air of snobbery about me, as if i was some kind of royalty.
"thank god you're not like that any more" was all jerry had to say about the whole story.
i always thought tripitaka was female (mainly because of that story) and was startled to discover otherwise many years later!
we went bowling with the boys after brunch and i lost, which isn't supposed to happen on your birthday, then i went to work (which also isn't supposed to happen on your birthday ;o) ...tomorrow we all have the day off so the birthday celebrations will commence up in the after-ski restaurant in the slopes and then jerry has promised to take me to the local cabaret show on tuesday... i love stretching my birth day into a birth week!! :o)
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