my best feel-sorry-for-me face
❉ bah humbug, boo hoo, vaffanculo a tutti. i hate being sick!.... i'm sure everyone does, it just feels like i hate it more than anyone else ;o)
...partly because of the unfairness of it. i eat a healthy vegetarian diet, exercise daily, pop vitamins, am a non-smoker, only a binge drinker (;o)) and get enough sleep. i should be immune to these cursed viruses!
in fact i've just been lecturing jerry (combined with looking after him) when he had the flu, that he wouldn't get sick if he took his vitamins and ate healthily like me.....then bang. serves me right for getting so high and mighty. perhaps i need to do as julius caesar did and employ a slave to follow me around reminding me in whispers that i'm only human.
so i'm lying in bed feeling sorry for myself, whilst having a coughing competition with daffy, who's also sick in his bed. jerry's such a sweetheart that he not only took my shift at work, but popped home for an hour to bring me lunch, give me cuddles and tell me i'm beautiful even when i know that right now i look like the ugliest pig-dog. sickness is made so much more bearable when accompanied with love!
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