❉ to celebrate the end of the season here in åre and to thank us for our hard work, the owners of beefalo sponsored a staff party for us. the workers at beefalo have a shocking reputation in åre (a girl working at a popular nightclub in town was asked what she thought of beefalo staff and she responded 'they spend a lot, they tip well, but they're disgusting drunks').. some security guards won't even let you in if they find out you work at beefalo. ..previous years' beefalo staff parties have gone down in history as ridiculous crazy nights... unfortunately i just wasn't feeling up to partying tonight, but i went along anyway and watched with sober eyes...
we started at nova with rosé and shots, then headed down to 'wallman's' to see the dinner cabaret show, which i'd seen before on my birthday in january but was more than happy to see again. by the third act, our table was putting on their own show. someone had started a food fight with the desserts. the table was a huge mess of broken glass and spilt wine and while cakes flew back and forth from one end to the other, pia and i hung our heads in shame. tobbe had a cream pie smeared all over his face, hank was standing on his chair making a speech about nothing and toto was wobbling around spilling red wine everywhere (including a full glass down my back). jesper and gustav had huge wine stains down their shirt fronts and had to go home to change, and everyone else was generally dancing around being drunken nuisances and blocking other guests view of the stage.
since everyone was too shit-faced to appreciate the show, we decided to leave. on the way out we discovered toto, who'd been kicked out by a security guard, was missing his four front teeth and accusing the guard of knocking them out. the girls were all fussing around but couldn't get a straight story out of him, then jerry got angry and began threatening the guard, jesper tried to calm jerry down, starting a whole new argument and then all of a sudden toto pulled out a set of false teeth from his pocket and shoved them in his mouth!
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