✴ happy easter!!!
i just devoured an entire chocolate bunny in less than 5 minutes and feel very sickly but that's what easter is all about isn't it!?
easter was so much more fun as a kid! when we were very young and my parents were super health freaks, the 'easter bunny' was also a health freak and used to only give us eggs made of carob, a healthy alternative to chocolate, instead of the real thing. our friends used to try it and spit it out but we thought it was great, not knowing any better... the easter bunny eventually got over that phase and gave us cadbury's like everyone else..
mum and dad used to go to a lot of effort at easter time, planning an easter egg hunt, having planted different types of eggs and bunnies all around the garden for us to race to find on easter sunday morning.
i once went to our italian next door neighbour's house, having looked up in the dictionary how to say some sort of 'happy easter' greeting in italian and was rewarded with a big 'humpty dumpty' egg full of smarties. as a 10 year old, that was the absolute jackpot and my brothers were so jealous that they considered going over and saying something too.
my dad (who is the biggest chocolate lover in the world) used to sit on the couch easter sunday afternoon and eat his chocolate in a continuous hand-to-mouth action until he was sick and all his chocolates were gone and then he would steal mums and start on ours. we learnt to count and guard over our egg collection with our lives.
the best thing was to make my chocolate last until after both brothers had eaten all theirs and then use it to tease and bribe...
that trick works equally well on jerry who loves chocolate as much as i do. chocolate has caused serious arguments between us in the past, and is always used as a make-up present..
happy easter and happy chocolate feasting!
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