Monday, July 5, 2010


✠ there was a hyper vibe at 'the pub' on friday night that infected all of us. for some reason we just couldn't stop laughing all day, even amidst the stress and anarchy of the pub's disorganisation...
i think it started in the afternoon when someone pressed the fire alarm and within one minute, two firetrucks roared around the corner, pulled up outside and 15 ripped, young firemen piled in, to be greeted by 10 hyper female waitresses with nothing to do at that particular time, except stand around and perve. one of the firemen was particularly hot, even the gay deli guy was eyeing him off...
ombretta, in proper italian style called out 'if i ring my alarm at home will you all come this quickly?' the guys enjoyed the attention so much that they hung around even after it was established that the alarm was accidental.

at midnight, after we closed up, we decided to all go to the park nearby and get pissed. we stocked up on alcohol from the bottle shop and sat talking shit and laughing until the rain came, when we relocated to the front of the fire station. a local bum came to join the action and in my drunkenness i decided to give him some therapy which turned into a long lecture. in the end i had him promising that tomorrow he would wake up a new man, quit the grog and call his family. before he left us, he told me he was sure i was some sort of psychic angel!

last night i had my trial as bartender in the nightclub at 'the garden'. it went super well, even though i had to consult the book every time someone ordered a house cocktail... the whole place is amazing! a really nice place to work! after my trial i was told i had the job, starting next weekend! ...yay!!!! i recommended jerry and worlds and the manager said he'd call them for interviews, so we may all end up working together, which would be super fun!

in our little spare time, jerry and i have been designing our own wedding website, save-the-date fridge magnets, gathering addresses and making arrangements with the resort for our special day. after a long while with other things on our minds, the wedding was put on the back burner, but now we're super excited about it again!

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