❆ since jerry's been away, a disgusting and morbid laziness has totally possessed me and i feel utterly powerless to it.... i've eaten mcdonalds before going to bed and chocolate for breakfast on at least 6 occasions, my yoga class has been totally abandoned, and on my days off work, instead of exploring london and catching up with friends i haven't seen in ages, i can't seem to tear myself from my pijamas or my bed. not sure if its the way missing jerry has manifested itself, but i feel like the most slothful pig.
i did manage the staff party on monday of course ;o)... cocktails and bowling in our own private room at all-stars bowling alley was fabulous! the cocktails turned to shots and the bowling turned to piggy-backing and shoulder-riding to 'heaven' nightclub where i danced barefoot all night and swore to never wear heels again.
the hangover stretched into two full days so that yesterday at work i was a complete space-cadet. luckily it was quiet in the restaurant and the manager, the head bartender and i kept ourselves entertained with hypothetical questions. they started off quite tame and innocent; if you had to delete either red, blue, green or yellow from the whole world forever, which would it be..? and then the questions slowly degenerated until they were dirty, sexually obscene and downright scandalous. grant was asked who he'd choose to have intercourse with between his mother and a gorilla and he answered that it was the same thing. later on he was opening an £80 bottle of champagne for a a table of guests and the cork popped so hard it pushed him backwards and he fell over in slow motion, landing on the floor with the bottle slipping out of his hands and spin-spraying all around him. with all his guests watching the whole spectacle, he was mortified, but it provided amusement for the rest of us the entire night.
today i promised myself to get out of bed and do something with the day, before work tonight.... go to the solarium even.. anything! ...it's not looking good so far...
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