london is a city of surprises. every day i'm amazed and shocked and inspired. last night a fox ran past us in our the middle of the city! i saw two fat albino twins at the cinema, a group of beautiful moslem women in christian dior burkahs, accompanied by a huge black bodyguard and then a swimwear shop display window with live models, who i only noticed were real people when the girl smiled at me!! .......what a fabulous city!
we had a work meeting at the gardens where everybody brainstormed ideas for the staff party (my vote is for the amusements park followed by karaoke) and then we tried to come up with ideas for a new shared cocktail that encompasses the whole concept of the gardens. at the moment we just serve a huge cocktail in an enormous cocktail glass to share between 6. i think something involving ice, fire or smoke is always fun and novel... so i'm working on an idea to present...
we talked about sales and incentives, cocktail competitions and the most exciting thing was an idea for a new cocktail costing £1000,000 with the garnish being a trip for two into space on the virgin galactic, along with a bartender to serve you on board!!! what an incentive to sell that drink!!! i have to win it!!
wild cocktail ideas!!
ReplyDeletemust admit tho, when reading this blog I was actually more excited by the sight of two fat albino twins at the cinema. bahahahaa!
politically incorrect, yes!
but still fREAKy...
hahahaa! yeah i wish i couldve sneaked a photo of them for the blog ;o)