♥ saturday was jerry and my second year anniversary and both of us completely forgot about it on the day! ...pretty amazing that two years have passed. it feels both like a moment ago that we first met and like a lifetime that we've known each other....
i know i've already told the story about us first meeting on the cruise ship in my 'anniversary' blog last year, but i thought i might tell some more stories about our first encounters....
the first crew-party we both went to was a masquerade party where i ran into him at the bar and welcomed him on board. the second crew party (the following night) was a toga party (we were cruising around greece). i of course dressed up in a makeshift toga costume (my cabin towell), got pissed and danced around making a scene, as usual at those crazy crew parties. jerry wasn't dressed up and was hanging back on the sidelines, behaving himself, with erika, his swedish friend. i remember asking him where his toga was and he said he didn't have enough friends on the ship yet to get away with wearing a fancy dress costume....
at that point we'd only had a couple of short conversations and i had no idea that he had a huge crush on me. at the end of the night when the DJ announced the last song (a slow romantic one), everybody grabbed a dancing partner. jerry happened to be the guy nearest to me so i grabbed him. he told me that in sweden they don't do 'the last dance' and that he'd only seen it on american movies. he asked me if this was 'first base'... 'no, this is first base', i told him, holding his hand, 'this is second base', giving him a peck on the cheek, 'this is third base', squeezing his breasts, 'and fourth base is 'slicka min snippa'...(a dirty expression i'd learnt from a swedish colleague and one of the first things i'd said to jerry at the masquerade party the night before after learning he was swedish.) .....what a flirt i was, considering i wasn't even interested in him then!
we docked in istanbul a few days later and a group of us went out partying together. in the early morning we ended up at a shisha lounge where we lay on cushions drinking mint tea and smoking apple shisha. jerry made sure he sat next to me and gradually slid further across his pillow until he was on mine, leaning his head against my arm, with my room-mate nudging and winking away at me...
it's a funny thing when you think about it, that some creatures, including humans, choose a partner to stay with the rest of their lives. swans do it too, so do wolves, sea-horses, eagles, gibbons and lovebirds. it's a really special thing to find that one creature who will stay by your side, keep you company, be your closest friend, your rock, your touch stone, your treasure, your soul-mate, forever...
i feel pretty lucky to have found mine.
Less than 8 months till the big event!
thanks harney!!!!! time's flying isnt it! SO exciting!!!! xoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteAnnaaaaaaaa, loved the post!!
ReplyDeleteI remenber this day, we went to 360 before and then to shisha lounge, wasn t it??
I m really happy for u both as I already said!!
Wish u all the best!!
Aline Santa Cruz
thanks aline!!!! yes it was the 360 night!! so much fun wasnt it?! remember the cop who escorted us to that dodgy bar full of old people?!
ReplyDeletehow are you? are you home from cruising now?
Congrats darlin! wish I could make it to the wedding but at least we know that we'll both be marrying our own soul mates a couple of days apart (and we'll both be at the beach!!) lots of love liz
ReplyDeletei know!! i wish i could be at yours too liz!!! but what a week full of happiness it'll be!! xxxxx