❈ on wednesday the club hosted a music event with sam bransons band, delilah, and two other up-and-coming british bands; tinash and new young pony club. i was the personal cocktail waitress for their backstage band/ VIP room, there to basically keep their table of booze tidy and the glasses and ice stocked up... they were so tame that i ended up getting to just stand and watch the bands play from backstage almost the whole night. there was no movie-scene backstage mess with diva rockstars snorting cocaine off table tops with half naked blonde groupies straddling them and band managers pleading with them to get on stage... these kids were sitting on sofas eating chicken burgers and doing vocal exercises. i guess it was a wednesday night and they're not big time yet.... there were a few B-list celebrities and some B-list royalty (is that mean calling princess beatrice B-list?) ... i had hoped richard branson would be there so i could ask him if i could maybe come work for him on necker island for a little while ;o)... and maybe get him interested in dreamwalk, my brothers new iphone ap, for him to invest in. but he wasn't there...
i really enjoyed the music and realised that i never listen to new music anymore... jerry and i have both had the same itunes list for ages and we just listen to the same stuff over and over. lately we've been so sick of our playlists that we choose silence over our music! the thing is i cant be bothered going out searching for new bands that i like!... it'd be so good if someone who knew my taste would just present me with new music and install it in my itunes for me each week...
tonight my cousins and a big group of their friends are coming in to work. i got them a VIP table and they're so pumped! its gonna be fun having people i know in there! last night i only had two tables and they were so boring that i stood at the waitress station eating chocolates all night...
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