❉ i've been working so much this week, doing double shifts, extra babysitting hours and life drawing classes, while also squeezing in doctor appointments etc that i completely wore myself out... and was then hit with the blues.... 'what am i doing with my life, changing the pooey nappies of other peoples children and serving snobby rich people who look down their noses at you and brush you off when you're just offering to refill their wine glasses.' i'm the under-achieving serving class.... and i always thought i would amount to so much more than this.
as an ambitious and vivacious teenager and uni student, the world felt totally like my oyster and i dreamt of being an artist, an esteemed photographer, a singer, an actress, an environmental activist, an anthropologist. i wanted to be cultured, well-travelled, knowledgeable, to make a difference in the world, as well as being glamourous and elegant and of course, rich.
every time i get the blues, i despair at my non-exixtant career. i wonder what i could have been, had i only made different choices, taken different jobs, studied different things... and then jerry hugs me and tells me he loves me and reminds me that i even if i don't have all the rest, i have the most important thing in the world and that's someone to love who loves me in return.
all of a sudden i feel better and promise myself to take it a bit easier next week...
last night at the nightclub we had a huge event with the VIP area completely full. us cocktail waitresses were given a new uniform: satin corset, tutu skirt, fishnets and fascinator head piece. the other girls hated it while i absolutely loved it! normally we blend into the crowd but in those uniforms we're a spectacle.
i was serving richard branson's kids and at one point sam branson asked me if he could move two tables together. i said to him 'since you own the place, im pretty sure you can do whatever you want here'. he replied 'don't tell me that while you're wearing that sexy little thing!'
i guess ive found a different form of glamour, a different way to travel the world, to study different cultures, to be involved in art and photography.. and as for being rich, there's plenty of time for that isn't there...
Write several obituarys for your death at 60-70-80 etc.Then set about achieving something in that obituary. you sound like you just want to be famous, pretty shallow really. don't forget beauty fades dumb is forever. So far you are well travelled.
ReplyDeleteI dont think people really cares that much about your life as much as you think they do. I agree with the previous comment. Stop being so up yourself. Youre not that good.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you who don't care about her life there is no compulsion to read her blog! For those who think she is dumb you obviously don't know Anna - she is an intelligent , educated, compassionate person who aspires to helping to make the world a better place, sharing her joy for life with all who meet her. Don't most of us have the occasional 'down' day where we question ourselves, and many of us aspire to leaving our mark on the world. I agree with Anna that the most important ( and most sought after) thing in life is to be truly loved and love in return - she's got it! Her blog is simply a piece of prose designed to entertain us - I'm hooked!
ReplyDeleteWHOA! Who are these crazies? Geez. I for one find your life fascinating, which is why I read your blog. And I totally agree with whoever said we all have our down days! Even those of us with "careers". Ugh, what is a career, anyway? Now that I have one, it's not that great. I think I'd swap with you and would take the nappies, as long as they came with the mini-series, the travel, the flirting with the Prince, the booty, and of course, the incredible calligraphy. Love you, lady!
ReplyDeleteThe person who wrote those nasty comments I believe is just super jealous and desires and wishes she could have the life Anna has, I bet you have a pretty boring life and are now reminiscing of your young days and how you wasted your life away!
ReplyDeleteSo go get a life and Stop criticizing Anna's blog or even better start your own so we can consider if it is even worth reading!
Have a great day! love you.
Perhaps a little less emphasis on the looks in your blogs would be a good start. Are they everything to you really? I guess, if you haven't got much else to rely on...
ReplyDeleteWHAT? How can you people say such things to Anna?
ReplyDeleteShe wrights about the things that are interesting in here life! And she looks good so why cover that up!? I agre with Piti who said you are jealous and the person who said that you don't have to reed here blog. If you don't like Anna and what she wrights, just stop reading and don't say any stupid things to here and hurt feelings!
well you're not rich but surely that's the least interesting attribute on your list anyway? it's really only useful as a means to an end. and from what i've read you're well on the way to the rest :) not sure where some of your critics are coming from - you're clearly not dumb, you're living a full and interesting life, with lots of love and joy. thanks for sharing it so openly with us.