❉ i've finally started to chill out and trust jerry driving the scooter in london traffic and we've been zipping around all over town on it. its amazing how much attention you draw arriving somewhere on a bike. sometimes after taking off my helmet, i feel like doing the loreal shampoo-ad head swirl just to satisfy the audience ;o)... it is a super cool bike and getting places is all of a sudden a lot less of a tube mission.
i'm feeling much better this week, having formulated a list of things to keep me busy and that's supposed to be the key to staying happy isnt it? ....hold on, why do they tell you that- isn't that just repressing your emotions?!... oh well, i'm feeling a lot more cheery anyway. i'm getting back into wedding planning, booking in bridal shop appointments and searching for interesting wedding rings. i even found a jewellery shop that offers a sunday workshop where you and your partner make your own wedding rings! wouldn't that be fun?! surprisingly, jerry was into the idea, although he may just be keeping me happy. he's gotten quite good at the 'yes dear' thing... and we're not even married yet!
jerry was talking to his mum about the wedding, telling her how much each of us have to save and she asked in surprise 'dont you and anna share your money?'... before that we'd never really thought about it... after organising your own finances for so many years, the concept of a joint account seems a bit scary. i told jerry that if we shared money there'd be no holding back on my shopping sprees ;o). he reminded me that right now i'm earning more than him. hmmm....i think it's better if we keep our cash separate for a while ;o)
I like to thanks for the information about the scooters London..