Monday, October 25, 2010


✻ although it would be handier living closer to work, jerry and i are happy living in angel. it has a down-to-earth and slightly bohemian vibe but is still clean and classy... there are some annoying junky street poets and some foul-mouthed teenage mothers pushing prams at the church st. market but then as soon as you reach upper street, with its huge array of funky cafes, gift shops and eateries, you feel that certain buzz of being somewhere cool and happening.

our little neighbourhood is a mish-mash of characters of all colours and classes. the kids from the high-rises ride their bikes in circles and play football on the road, making me constantly feel lucky for having grown up in the country in houses with backyards, gardens, trampolines, cubby houses....

on the corner of our street are all the ethiopian restaurants, internet cafe and afro hairdressers... the smell from those restaurants is so mysteriously seductive, yet we can't quite build up the courage to eat there... when i first heard of an ethiopian restaurant i couldn't help but laugh. how is it that they have a cuisine when all we hear about them is how starved they are. i guess that's pretty ignorant... of course they must have cooking traditions...

angel is full of old corner pubs and quirky wall murals which remind you of the long history of london... today was beautiful and sunny, and feeling a little bit freed from my nanny shackles, i took my camera out and went snapping... oh how nice it is to be semi-unemployed!... until the rent's due anyway...

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